School Announcements
Welcome New Wolf Pups!
School starts on August 15th at 9:15am and we can't wait to see all of our new and returning students!
Registration is open for the 2024-2025 school year. You can enroll your child at www.k12northstar.org/enroll. Please note that you will need to upload a copy of your child’s birth certificate, immunization records, and proof of address (Needs to show a service at your physical address, such as a GVEA bill, water bill, etc.). These documents must be provided before the start of school.
If you are unable to upload the documents for any reason, you can email a copy to nicole.wells@k12northstar.org
We look forward to seeing you on August 13th for our back to school event. Please join us in front of the school at 5pm (or the gym in case of rain!). Come by to meet your teacher, get a popsicle and take a look around the school. Classrooms will be closed, but students will be able to walk through the halls to see where classrooms are.
Staff will be working on class rosters up until this event, and thye will not be considered finalized until then. If you are unable to attend, please call the office afterward and we will be happy to let you know who your teacher is for the year!
Kindergarten enrollment:
Students must be 5 on or before September 1st, 2024 to attend kindergarten.
News & Events
Latest News
The Fairbanks North Star Borough School District is partnering with the Association of Alaska School Boards to conduct the School Climate and Connectedness Survey©, a statewide survey taken by students, staff, and families. This survey measures their perceptions of each school’s climate including the engagement of students, staff, and families.
North Star News–a monthly newsletter provided to keep families and staff informed and engaged with their district.
North Star News–a monthly newsletter provided to keep families and staff informed and engaged with their district.
Thank you for your valuable feedback on the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District's (FNSBSD) mission, vision, values, and pillars. Your input has played a vital role in simplifying language and clarifying our purpose to better reflect the needs of our community.
Now, we need your insights once again!
North Star News–a monthly newsletter provided to keep families and staff informed and engaged with their district.
Superintendent Dr. Meinert highlights the upcoming School Consolidation Process in this video.
School consolidation is a challenging and emotional topic for any community, and the process of closing schools and adjusting school boundaries has a significant impact on students, families, staff, and the larger community. Beginning in January, the school board will carefully review a school consolidation plan recommended by district administration, with a final decision expected in February.
Over the past several months, the district has engaged in multiple community engagement events to seek input from the Fairbanks community in order to help create the new district strategic plan. A steering team made up of students, staff, parents, and community members has carefully reviewed the community engagement data and crafted the district's new strategic direction based upon the community's feedback.